Biography of Joseph Biden, Net Worth, Age, Family, Parents, Children in 2022


Joe Biden

Joe Biden
Biography of Joseph Biden, Net Worth, Age, Family, Parents, Children in 2022
Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. known as Joe Bidenis an American lawyer and politicianHe was the 47th Vice President of the United States of America from January 20, 2009, to January 20, 2017, during the presidency of Barack Obama. is the candidate Democratic for president of the United States for the presidential elections in that country in 2020. 
A member of the Democratic Party, between 1973 and 2009 Biden served as a senator for the State of DelawareAs a senator, he served as chair of the United States Senate Judiciary Committee between 1987 and 1995 and of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee twice (2001-2003; 2007-2009). Considered a liberal senator, Biden opposed the Supreme Court nominations of conservative Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito and Supreme Court Chief Justice John RobertsHe also played a leading role in the enactment of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act., also known as the Biden Crime Law, passed in 1994, which established 60 new crimes that could be punished with the death penalty, including drug traffickingterrorism and the use of weapons of massive destruction
Biden unsuccessfully sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 1988 and in 2008, both times he dropped out for lack of opportunity. In 2008, after completing the process of primary, Barack Obama chose as his running mate overlooking the presidential elections, being elected Vice President of the United States. In the 2012 presidential election, the Obama-Biden formula was re-elected. 
As vice president, Biden has been characterized by his support for Obama's policies in international relations and social affairs, especially in the design of the strategy for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq and the War in AfghanistanHis negotiating experience was useful during the negotiations with the Republican Party in Congress on tax policy, economy and budgets, being vital in the approval of the Budget control law of 2011 and the Tax Relief Act of 2012. He also served a leadership role in the Obama Administration's efforts to limit gun sales,  fighting sexual abuse on college campuses as well as in the search for effective cancer treatment
On October 21, 2015, months after the death of his son Beau Biden, announced the decision not to run in the Democratic primary in view of the 2016 presidential electionBiden announced his candidacy for the presidency in 2020 on April 25, 2019. 

Childhood, Youth and Studies

Joe Biden was born in ScrantonPennsylvania, on November 20, 1942. Son of Joseph R. Biden, a car salesman, and Catherine Eugenia Finnegan, He was raised in the Catholic religion, which was professed by his mother who was of Irish origin. At the age of ten, he and his family moved to the town of Claymont, in New Castle County
Graduated from the Archmere Academy in ClaymontDelaware, in 1961, and in History and Political Science from the University of Delaware in 1965. Later he entered the Law School of Syracuse University, graduating in 1968 and being admitted to the College of attorneys Delaware 1969. 

Political career

Senator from Delaware

In 1969 he began working as a lawyer in WilmingtonDelawareHe was elected to the board of the New Castle County, where he served between 1970 and 1972. 
In 1972 he decided to run for the Senate for the Democratic Party competing against then-Senator J. Caleb Boggs, a 12-year veteran politician, who was running for re-election despite having thought not to run. Against all odds, Biden defeated a Boggs who had underestimated his adversary, obtaining one of the biggest surprises for the Democratic side in an election cycle in which President Richard Nixon swept the presidential elections in 49 of the 50 states. , including DelawareThis result gave value to his figure, becoming one of the youngest senators in the history of the United States. Re-elected Senator for five consecutive occasions (1978, 1984, 1990, 1996 and 2002), he is to date the person who has served the longest as a Senator for the State of Delaware.
As a senator, he stood out as a staunch defender of Amtrak (the statewide intercity passenger train network) as well as the interests of the US Army Air Base in the town of Dover and the existing farm animal treatment industry. in your state.
Between 1987 and 1995 he chaired the Senate Judicial Affairs Committee, forging a solid reputation as an expert on topics such as organized crime, drug trafficking, and the defense of civil rightsHe also played a leading role in the enactment of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, also known as the Biden Crime Law, passed in 1994, by which 60 new crimes were added that could be punished with the death penalty, including drug trafficking, terrorism and the use of weapons of mass destruction.  As chairman of the Judicial Affairs Committee, he was responsible for presiding over two of the most controversial candidate confirmation processes for the U.S. Supreme Court, that of Robert Bork in 1987 and of Clarence Thomas in 1991. 

International policy

Active in international politics, He had an active role as a senator during the Balkan conflict, is one of the strongest supporters of the use of force as a way to protect Bosnian Muslims.  After several trips to the region, his advice was instrumental in convincing President Bill Clinton to use military force against Slobodan MiloÅ¡ević
Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, after the attacks of September 11, 2001, supported the policies of President George W. Bushcallings for additional ground troops for AfghanistanAlthough he initially opposed unilateral action, but not before exhausting all diplomatic channels, in October 2002 he voted in favor of the resolution authorizing the government to use force against Iraq His support was crucial from his position as chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee.
In November 2006, Biden, together with Leslie H. Gelb, president emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations, proposed a plan to end sectarian violence in Iraq based on the Bosnian experience. In his plan, Biden proposed dividing Iraq into federal areas along ethnic lines. According to the plan, the SunnisShiites, and Kurds in Iraq, should be allowed to manage their own affairs while the border defense, foreign affairs and profits of the oil should be done by the central government in Baghdad.
He is considered a connoisseur of the Argentine situation. 

Presidential candidacy in 1988

On June 9, 1987, Joe Biden announced his candidacy for the presidency of EE. UU. In WilmingtonDelawareHe ran after he had accumulated much fame among progressive groups after his time as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and his rejection of ultra-conservative Robert Bork's candidacy for the Supreme Court.
But his campaign quickly fell apart after being accused of plagiarism in an election speech. In August 1987, during an election debate in Iowa, he used part of a speech by then-UK Labor leader Neil Kinnock In February 1988, before the New Hampshire primary, he was hospitalized for two brain aneurysms which caused him to miss the Senate for seven months and also served as an excuse for not participating in the presidential race.

Presidential candidacy in 2008

After his failed attempt in 1988, Biden was always included in the lists of potential Democratic candidates for the presidential election. In June 2005, during an interview, he announced that he would try to seek the Democratic nomination in view of the 2008 presidential elections
Biden declared his candidacy for the presidency on January 31, 2007, after having argued it for months. Biden made a formal announcement to Tim Russert on Meet the Press, declaring that he could "be the best Biden that I can be." In January 2006, Delaware newspaper columnist Harry F. Themal wrote that Biden "occupies the sensible center of the Democratic Party." Thermal concludes that this is the position that Biden wants and that in a campaign "he plans to focus on the dangers to the safety of the average American, not just from the terrorist threat, but from the lack of medical assistance, crime, and violence. energy dependence on unstable places in the world ".
During his campaign, Biden focused on the Iraq war and his support for the implementation of the Biden-Gelb project for political success. He boasted of his Senate records as the leader of major congressional committees and his experience in foreign policy. Despite speculation to the contrary, Biden rejected the idea of ​​accepting the Secretary of State position, focusing only on the presidency. At a 2007 campaign event, Biden said, "I know a lot of my opponents say I'll be a great Secretary of State. Seriously, every one of them. Have you seen some of the debates?" Joe is right, Joe is right, Joe is right. Candidates' comments that "Joe is right" in the Democratic debates were turned into ads and themes for Biden's campaign.In mid-2007, Biden emphasized his foreign policy knowledge compared to Obama's, finally saying, "I think he may be ready, but right now I don't think he is. The presidency is not something you learn on its own. the same working continuously "Biden also said that Obama was copying some of his foreign policy ideasBiden was noted for his jokes throughout the campaign, talking about the then-Republican leader, Rudy Giuliani in a debate on October 30, 2007, in Philadelphia, "There are only three things that he mentions in a sentence: a noun, a verb and 9/11." In general, Biden's performance in the debates had an effective mix of humor, sharp and surprisingly disciplined comments.
Biden made comments during the campaign that drew controversy. On the day of his announcement in January 2007, he spoke of Democratic candidate and Senator Barack Obama: "I mean, you are the first correct African American who is eloquent and intelligent and honest and a good looking guy, I mean, this is fiction, man. Biden had previously been criticized for a remark he made about his support for American Indians: "we had a great relationship. In Delaware, the fastest-growing group in the population is the Native Americans who come from India. You can't go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin 'Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. And I'm not kiddingBiden later said the comment was not intended to be derogatory.
In an unusual step, Biden shared his campaign plans with one of his rivals for the nomination, Senator Chris Dodd of ConnecticutDood and Biden were friends, seeking to salvage funds during the somewhat unlikely attempts to secure the nomination.
On January 3, 2008, after the Iowa Caucus, the first electoral appointment of the Democratic primaries, Biden was fifth, with 4% of the votes and without any delegate, withdrawing from the race due to his slim chances of reaching the candidacy . 
Once out of the running, on June 22, 2008, he publicly supported Barack Obama's candidacy as a Democratic candidate. 

Candidate for vice president in 2008

Following Biden's withdrawal from the presidential race, Obama privately told Biden that he was interested in finding an important place for him in a future Obama administration. Biden declined Obama's first request to consider him for the vice president position, fearing that the vice presidency could represent a loss in his status and voice of his position in the Senate, but later changed his mindIn an interview on June 22, 2008, on Meet the Press on NBCBiden confirmed this, although he was not actively seeking a spot in the campaign, he could accept the vice-presidential nomination if offered it. In early August, Obama and Biden met secretly to discuss a possible vice-presidential relationship, and the two developed a strong personal relationship.
On August 23, 2008, was presented as Vice Presidential candidate set with Barack Obama, with the vice - presidential challenger to Gov. AlaskaSarah PalinThe New York Times reported that the strategy behind the election reflected the desire to fill the electoral formula with someone who had experience in foreign policy and national security — and not to help the formula win a pendulum state or emphasize the message of "change". 
Biden's vice-presidential campaign gained little media visibility, while the most media attention focused on Republican running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah PalinFor a week in September 2008, for example, the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism found that Biden was included in just five percent of new career coverage, fewer than the other three candidates in the formulas. Biden, however, focused his campaign on the economically contested areas of the pendulum states and on trying to persuade working-class Democrats, especially those who supported Hillary Clinton. Biden lashed out at McCain, despite his longstanding personal friendship with him.
On October 2, 2008, the debate between vice-presidential candidates took place, in which Biden managed to beat Governor Palin, according to several polls. 
In the presidential elections of November 4, 2008, the Democratic formula Obama - Biden defeated the Republican McCain- Palin by a wide margin, achieving 52.8% against 45.8%. 
On January 20, 2009, Joe Biden was sworn in as Vice President of the United States, on the Capitol in Washington DC, replacing Dick Cheney in office. 

Vice President of the United States (2009-2016).

As tradition dictates, Biden returned to Delaware shortly after the presidential electionHowever, he remains in close contact with President-elect Barack Obama in order to lead the transition project. The American Secret Service gave it the code name Celtic in reference to its Irish origins.
Joe Biden became the 47 th Vice President of the United States the Januarythus succeeding Republican Dick CheneyHe is the first American vice-president from Delaware and the first man of the Catholic faith to hold this officeHis swearing-in, led by Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, takes place on Capitol Hill.
During the first months of the Obama administration, Biden played an important advisory role to the president, although his work remained inconspicuousBiden's vision of what a vice president should clearly mark a break with the very influential VP Cheney.
Considering that Afghan President Hamid Karzai is failing in his task of pacifying the country, he no longer supports the latter. MarchNational Security Advisor Antony Blinken is thus the only one who does not think that major counterinsurgency operations should be mounted against the TalibanBiden wants to limit the engagement of the American army in Afghanistan.
In addition, Joe Biden wants to advance the ongoing dialogue between the United States and its closest allies on the future of European security.
Internationally, Joe Biden is mentioned in the Megaupload affair, its creator Kim Dotcom accuses the vice-president of the United States of having closed Megaupload out of interest in the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America), more particularly for his friend Chris DoddCEO of MPAA.

Second term 

The , he was re-elected vice-president as Barack Obama's running mateHe oath ready the Januaryin front of the Capitol.
He went to France at the beginning of 2013 to meet President François Hollande, to meet with him on the issue of the war in MaliBarack Obama told him in Decemberthe mission to find proposals on the carrying of firearms after the massacre of Sandy Hook elementary school and the shooting of Aurora in particular. With a Republican Congress and strong influence from the National Rifle Association, his efforts were in vain. October, Biden accuses TurkeySaudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates of funding jihadist groups in Syria: "Our allies have paid hundreds of millions of dollars and thousands of tons of weapons to all those who wanted to fight Assad - except that the people who were with were the Frontal-Nosra and al Qaeda and jihadist extremists from all parts of the world" He backtracked a few days later, however, and apologize to those states.
, five months after the death of his son Beau and despite certain suspense, he announces his decision not to run for the Democratic nomination for the 2016 presidential election, During a visit to Mexico in 2016, he apologized on behalf of his country's racist proposals of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, saying it does not represent what the majority of Americans believe. 

2020 Presidential Compaign


On July 15, 2019, the non-profit initiative Biden Cancer Center announced that the foundation would suspend operations indefinitely. Joe Biden and his wife left the board of this center in April, as a precaution of the code of ethics before beginning their 2020 presidential campaign.
In September 2019, reports surfaced that President Trump had pressured Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensk I to carry out an investigation that charged Joe Biden and his son Hunter BidenDespite these allegations, as of September 2019, there has been no evidence that will prove any guilt of any of the Bidens. This pressure to investigate the Bidens was interpreted by the media as an attempt to hurt Joe Biden's chances of winning the 2020 presidential election, resulting in a political scandal that culminated in the process to remove Donald Trump, initiated in the House of Representatives.
Throughout 2019, Biden led his Democratic rivals in national polls and was widely recognized as the leader in the Democratic party's presidential primaries. However, after a poor performance in the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries at the start of 2020, he fell to second place behind Bernie Sanders, in a February 2020 poll. However, Biden, he proceeded to win the popular vote in the South Carolina primary, leading Sanders. Followed by the consequent exits of the presidential race by Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar, Biden was widely victorious on Super Tuesday on March 3, which again positioned him as the favorite Democratic candidate. The value of American health insurance stocks increased by $ 48 billion the following day, representing the largest earnings since 2008 for insurers Anthem, Inc. and UnitedHealth.
Since the beginning of 2019, President Donald Trump and his allies have falsely accused Biden that Ukraine's Attorney General Viktor Shokin was fired as he had an open investigation against Burisma Holdings, the employer of Joe Biden's son, Hunter. Biden was accused of withholding $ 1 billion in aid from Ukraine as part of this effort. In 2015, then-Vice President Biden lobbied the Ukrainian Parliament to remove Shokin, as the United States, the European Union and other international organizations considered them corrupt and inefficient, and not because he will investigate Burisma in particular. The withholding of the $ 1 billion in support as part of this official policy. 
Biden's campaign centers around proposals to empower the middle class, through improvements in education programs, investment in school facilities, pro-middle-class tax reform, and guarantees of universal health, especially for groups. vulnerable. 

Private life and Family

In 1966, while in law school, Biden married Neilia Hunter, with whom he had three children, Joseph R. III (Beau), Robert Hunter, and Amy. His wife and youngest daughter died in a car accident shortly after Biden was elected Senator in 1972 at the age of 29. Their two sons, Beau and Hunter, were seriously injured in the accident, but both made a full recovery His son, Beau, who served as Attorney General of Delaware, died in May 2015, because of brain cancer.
Persuaded not to quit and to take care of his children, Biden began taking the train to Washington, DC from his home in the suburbs of Wilmington, taking an hour and a half every day. In 1977, he married Jill Tracy JacobsThey have a daughter, Ashley.
Biden's eldest son, Joseph R. "Beau" Biden, III, was a partner in the law firm of Bifferato, Gentilotti, Biden & Balick, LLC, and was elected Attorney General of the State of Delaware in 2006. Captain of the Navy of the Delaware National Guard died in May 2015 of brain cancer. His youngest son, R. Hunter Biden, works as an attorney in Washington DC, and previously worked for the United States Department of Commerce.
When Joe Biden tried to donate funds to the Archmere Academy in Delaware to build a new science building, they refused to name it because of Biden's pro-choice (pro-abortion) beliefsHe still donated the money despite this.

Criticism for inappropriate touching and complaint of alleged harassment

At least eight women have charged Biden with inappropriate touching. Political Democrat Lucy Flores accused him publicly. Also Amy Zappos. He was also questioned by videos in which he was seen touching girls during his public acts in a way that made them feel uncomfortable. During the #MeToo movement, Biden posted a video saying that he understood his history of touching women was not appropriate but that he had learned as times have changed. 
Biden was criminally charged with sexual harassment by Tara Reade, a woman who worked as part of his team between 1992 and 1993 when he was a senator.

Position papers

Joe Biden is considered to belong to the moderate wing of the Democratic PartyIts positions are seen as centrist and pragmaticHe presented this position as an advantage to beat Trump, allowing the necessary concessions and bi-partisanship to pass laws in Congress, unlike most progressive Democrats and clivants.
Although Catholic, he is in favor of the right to abortion, long hostile to its public funding; he announces in the framework of the American presidential election of 2020 that he is no longer opposed to the use of federal funds to finance abortionsDuring his first term, he was opposed to same-sex marriage but gradually changed his mind to publicly declare himself in favor of it. He has been opposed to the death penalty since 2019 and wants its abolition at the federal levelHe is in favor of tighter controls on the sale of firearms, wishing to restore the ban on the sale of assault rifles. In 2007, he supported the regularization of illegal immigrants proposed by President George W. Bush under certain conditions, notably the compulsory learning of English.
He is in favor of closing Guantánamo and opposes the military commissions set up to try outside the US law the "  enemy combatants," deprived of habeas corpus.
A few days before stepping down as vice-president in 2017, he qualified Russia as a “threat” to “the liberal international order”.
He declared in April 2020 that, if elected president, he would maintain the American embassy in Israel in Jerusalem, in accordance with the decision of Donald Trump.


Allegations of inappropriate physical contact 

In 2015, during a series of events, Joe Biden puts his hands on women and girls and speaks to them very closely. This behavior attracts the attention of both the press and social networksSome then accuse him of pedophiliaSome memes with the hashtag "  Creepy Joe  " ( "Joe murky  ") become viralDonald Trump's eldest son then relays the controversy and declares that Biden should “stop unwanted touching and keep his hands to himself”.
In March 2019, a former Democrat elected to the Nevada Assembly, Lucy Flores, accused Joe Biden of kissing her without her consent on the head. She will claim on CNN that "very unexpectedly I felt Joe Biden, out of nowhere, put his hands on my shoulders, come very close to me from behind, bend over, smell my hair and kiss me gently on the top of the head. It was shocking ”.
On the 1st April 2019, a few days after the previous charge, another elected Democrat Amy Lappos, former assistant to Congress denounces the improper conduct: "He put his hand around my neck, drew me to him to rub your nose against mine. While he was pulling me towards him, I thought he was going to kiss me on the mouth ”The following days, five other women will claim to have been touched by Joe Biden.
He responds to these allegations that “social norms have started to change” and that in the future he will be “more attentive to respect for personal space”.
Following these accusations, he is nicknamed by his detractors "Joe the perverse uncle" or "Joe the sniffer".

Rape charge by Tara Reade 

On April 15, he was accused of rape by Tara Reade, one of his former assistants, who worked for him in the Senate between 1992 and 1993, which Joe Biden's campaign team deniesThe Democratic candidate recalls in his defense that he was at the origin of a 1994 law to fight against violence against womenOn May 8, which is accused of having abused her request its withdrawal from the presidential raceOn this occasion, the Republican Party recalls that in 2018 Joe Biden had supported Christine Blasey Ford , who had accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, Donald Trump's candidate for the Supreme Court; Joe Biden then declared that when a woman testifies publicly "in the limelight, at the national level, one must assume that what she says is reality".

Judged racist allegations 

On June 18, 2019, Joe Biden created controversy by highlighting his good relations with pro-segregation Democratic senators in the 1970s; “At least there was some courtesy. We were getting things done. We agreed on almost nothing but we were moving forward. We were getting things done. Today, in the eyes of the other camp, we are the enemy. Not the opposition but the enemy. We don't talk to each other anymore ”On June 27, 2019, during the Democratic primary, candidate Kamala Harris accuses Joe Biden of having hurt her by his recent comments and of opposing policies favorable to African Americans. Joe Biden denies the charges.
On August 8, 2019, during a meeting in Iowa on social inequality in education before the Asian and Latino Coalition, he said: "Poor children are as smart as white children"He corrects himself directly by adding: "Let rich children, black children, Asian children"This incident occurring somewhat after saying that Donald Trump has "fanned the flames of white supremacy" was considered racist by the press.
On May 22, 2020, Joe Biden is interviewed on The Breakfast Club by Charlamagne Tha God. At the end of the interview, he says, "I'll tell you if you have a problem deciding whether you are for me or for Trump, then you are not blackHe is strongly criticized for these comments. Donald Trump Junior, son of Donald Trump, who had himself described the exchange of disgusting, says Joe Biden "a disgusting and dehumanizing racist mentality"Later, the politician will come back to his remarks, qualifying them as “unfortunate”.

Blunders and untruths 

During his political career, Joe Biden commits many blunders and multiplies untruths and clumsy statements. In 2008, he introduced Barack Obama as “the first popular Afro-American who speaks well, is smart and clean on himself”In 2017, he said he loved having children touch his legs when he was a lifeguard. During the 2020 presidential campaign, he claims that Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy were assassinated, confuses Theresa May and Margaret Thatcher, bites his wife's hand while giving a speech, relates a decoration ceremony in Afghanistan to which he has never actually participated, and says he loves Vermontwhile in New Hampshire or meeting the survivors of the Parkland shooting before it even happened. This behavior and these statements question his mental health, which he defends vigorously, and constitute an angle of attack for Donald Trump, who presents him as insaneHe is also accused of jokes about homosexual waiters.

Electoral History 

Senatorial elections 

Delaware Senator Class 2 Results
YearJoe BidenRepublicanAmerican  (en)ProhibitionLibertarianIPD  (en)NLP


He is considered in 2011 as one of the 100 most influential men on the planet according to Time Magazine.
On May 15, 2016, Joe Biden (jointly with John Boehner ) received the Laetare Medal from the University of Notre Dame, considered the highest honor for American Catholics.
, he was decorated by Barack Obama with the Presidential Medal of Freedom with distinction...


1) Who is Joe Biden?
Ans. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. ( ScrantonPennsylvania, November 20, 1942) known as Joe Bidenis an American lawyer and politicianHe was the 47th Vice President of the United States of America from January 20, 2009, to January 20, 2017, during the presidency of Barack Obama .  is the candidate Democratic for president of the United States for the presidential elections in that country in 2020. 

2) What is the full name of Joe Biden?
AnsJoseph Robinette Biden.

3) What is the Age of Joe Biden?
Ans. 77 Years

4) How much Net Worth of Joe Biden in a Year?
Ans. $400,000 in a year.

5) When Joe Biden was selected as the Vice President of the United States of America?
AnsOn November 4, 2008, Biden was elected Vice President of the United States as Obama's running mate. Soon after the election, he was appointed chairman of president-elect Obama's transition team.

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