Biography of Serdar Berdimuhamedow | Wife | Net Worth | Son | Election results | Religion | President of Turkmenistan in 2022



Serdar Berdimuhamedow

Serdar Berdimuhamedov
Biography of Serdar Berdimuhamedow | Wife | Net Worth | Son | Election results | Religion | President of Turkmenistan in 2022
In July 2018

3rd President of Turkmenistan

from March 19, 2022
Head of the government himself (as Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan )
Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov

Vice Prime Minister of Turkmenistan

February 11, 2021  — March 19, 2022
Head of the governmentGurbanguly Berdimuhamedov
The PresidentGurbanguly Berdimuhamedov
Predecessorpost established
There established there is no prime minister in the country and the head of the cabinet is the president himself.

Chairman of the Supreme Control Chamber of Turkmenistan

February 11  — July 9, 2021
PredecessorKadyrgeldy Mushshikov
The successorposition is vacant

Member of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan

February 11  — July 9, 2021

Minister of Industry of Turkmenistan

February 7, 2020  — February 11, 2021
Head of the governmentGurbanguly Berdimuhamedov
PredecessorKhoshgeldy Mergenov
The successorposition is vacant

Hakim of Akhal velayat

June 18, 2019  — February 7, 2020
presidenttGurbanguly Berdimuhamedov
PredecessorTangryguly Atakhalliyev

Deputy Hyakim of Ahal Velayat

January 2  — June 17, 2019
The PresidentGurbanguly Berdimuhamedov

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan

April 18, 2018  — January 1, 2019
Head of the governmentGurbanguly Berdimuhamedov

Member of the Mejlis Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan

November 10, 2016  — February 7, 2020

BirthSeptember 22, 1981 (age 40) Ashgabat  Turkmen SSR  USSR
Name at birthSerdar Kurbankulievich [1] Berdimuhamedov
FatherGurbanguly Myalikgulyevich Berdimuhamedov
MotherOgulgerek Ataevna Berdimuhamedova
SpouseHer full name is unknown
Childrenthree daughters
The consignmentDemocratic Party of Turkmenistan
1) Turkmen Agricultural University named after S. A. Niyazov
2) Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
3) Geneva Center for Security Policy
Academic degree doctor doctorDoctor of Technical Sciences
Professionprocess engineer and diplomat
ActivityState, political and scientific figure
Attitude religion Islamservice years onIslamyears Islam ( Hanafism )
Military service years
Years of ServiceSince 2001
Affiliation Turkmenistan
Type of armyArmed Forces of Turkmenistan
RankSupreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan (since 2022) Colonel 
Scientific activity
Scientific activity scientific sphereEngineering
Place of workAcademy of Sciences of Turkmenistan

Serdar Gurbangulyevich Berdimuhamedov is a Turkmen statesman and political figure. The current President of Turkmenistan and the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan since March 19, 2022 

The only son of the second president of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov 


Serdar Berdimuhamedov was born on September 22, 1981, during the york academy service years in the city of Ashgabat, in the family of a dentist Gurbanguly Myalikgulyevich Berdimuhamedov. Mother of Serdar Berdimuhamedov - Ogulgerek  Ataevna Berdimuhamedova, according to some sources, is the same age as her husband and his cousin, being a teacher by profession. The name "Serdar" is translated from the Turkmen language as "leader" or "leader", being a popular male name in Turkmenistan. Serdar Berdimuhamedov has two sisters, Guljahan and Gulshan. There is no information about the age of his sisters, which is why it is not known whether Serdar is the eldest of the children or not.

Serdar Berdimuhamedov graduated from secondary school in Ashgabat at the very end of the 90s, and in the same place in 2001 he graduated from the Turkmen Agricultural University named after S. A. Niyazov with a degree in process engineering. Around this period, in 1997, his father began political activity, becoming immediately the Minister of Health and Medical Industry, and in 2001, in parallel, one of the deputy chairmen of the country's Cabinet of Ministers, headed by President Saparmurat Niyazov himself 

After graduating from university in 2001, 20-year-old Serdar Berdimuhamedov immediately began working as a chief specialist in the Department of Foreign Economic Relations of the Turkmen Food Industry Association, a state organization. Meanwhile, according to official data, from 2001-to 2003 he served in the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan, but according to unofficial data, he did not pass it, "serving" only "on paper", and continuing to work in the Association of the Food Industry of the country. 

At this time, his father, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, continued to work as the Minister of Health and Medical Industry, as well as in parallel as Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic. Again, according to official data, from 2003 to 2006, Serdar Berdimuhamedov worked as the chief specialist of the main department for the fruit and vegetable industry in the same Food Industry Association, and after coming to the top of power (that is, to the presidency) of his father in December 2006, after the death officially lifelong president - "Eternally Great Saparmurat Turkmenbashi”, became the chief specialist of the Office of the Beer, Non-Alcoholic and Wine Industry of the Food Industry Association. 

It is reported that by that time the Berdymukhammedov family and their relatives almost completely monopolized the food and food industry of the country, and personally Serdar Berdimuhamedov was especially successful in the country's wine and alcohol business. 

He left his job in 2008 at the Food Industry Association, which is a monopoly and supervisory and punitive body in the country in the field of food, but at the same ti, he retained numerous informal businesses in the above areas.

From 2008-to 2011, without having a diplomatic or other similar specialized education, he was listed as an advisor-envoy at the embassy of his country in the Russian Federation, in Moscow. It was reported that in 2011, during his diplomatic service in the Russian capital, he graduated from the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation under the second higher education program with a degree in international relations.

From 2011-to 2013, he was listed as an adviser at the Permanent Mission of Turkmenistan at the United Nations Office in Geneva ( Switzerland ), at the same time - a student at the prestigious Geneva Center for Security Policy  He graduated from the program of this center in the direction of "European and international security". After returning from Switzerland in 2013, he was appointed head of the department for European countries of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, and accordingly, Serdar Berdimuhamedov directly began to oversee his country's foreign policy towards European countries until 2014, when he left the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In 2013, he was simultaneously appointed deputy director of the State Agency for the Management and Use of Hydrocarbon Resources of Turkmenistan, one of the richest and most influential departments in the country. He worked in this department as a deputy director until 2016. 

In August 2014 he became a candidate in technical sciences and in July 2015 a doctor of technical sciences.

In 2016-2017 - Head of the Department for International Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. 

In November 2016, he was elected as a deputy of the then unicameral Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the 5th convocation in by-elections for vacant seats from the ruling Democratic ParPartyt

On March 20, 2017, he was elected Chairman of the Committee on Legislation and its Norms in the same convocation of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan. 

On October 27, 2017, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant colonel and, along with him, was awarded the Myalikguly Berdimuhamedov medal with the wording "for services to the fatherland and people." During the award ceremony, he was dressed in a full-dress military uniform    At the next parliamentary elections Marchonon   25, 2018, he was elected a deputy of the then unicameral Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VI convocation, again from the ruling Democratic Party.

While still a member of the country's parliament, on March 30, 2018, he was appointed one of the deputy ministers of foreign affairs in the Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov elections although the country's electoral code prohibits deputies of the Mejlis from holding other government positions or posts, as well as doing business. He worked as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs until January 1, 2019, while being a deputy. From January 1, 2019, he became one of the deputies of the khyakim (that is, the governor) of the Akhal velayat (that is, regions) - perhaps the most important and central region of the country, within which the capital is located. 

On June 18, 2019, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov appointed Serdar Berdimuhamedov (that is, his son) directly as the Hakim of Akhal Velayat. All this time, in violation of the law, he simultaneously continued to be a member of the Parliament of Turkmenistan, resigning his mandate only in February 2020.

On February 7, 2020, he was appointed Minister of Industry of Turkmenistan by the President and at the same time by his father, holding this ministerial portfolio for exactly one year - until February 11, 2021. 

On the same day, he was appointed Vice Prime Minister of Turkmenistan. HakimBefore this, there was no such position in the country (“Deputy Prime Minister”). There is no position of "prime minister" in the country, and the head (chairman) of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan is the president himself, being both the head of state and the head of government. Therefore, in Turkmenistan, the term “prime minister” is not used even at an unofficial level, since both the president and the chairman of the government are the same person - Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. This tradition was started by Saparmurat Niyazov, and in independent Turkmenistan, there has never been a separate head of government.

On the same day, February 11, 2021, he was simultaneously appointed Chairman of the Supreme Control Chamber of Turkmenistan and a member of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan  He held both positions and positions until July 9, 2021, remaining only the Deputy Prime Minister until now.

A year later, on February 14, 2022, the ruling Democratic Party nominated Serdar Berdimuhamedov as a candidate for the presidency of Turkmenistan in a snap presidential election  Berdimuhamedov Sr. explained his refusal to run for a new term with a desire to “give way to young leaders”   As a result, according to official data, Serdar won and won 72.97% of the vote. During telephone conversations with leaders of different countries, Serdar promised to continue his father's policy. After the elections in the country, observers began to report massive violations.

Family and personal life 

Serdar Berdimuhammedov has been married since 2001 (that is, he married at the age of 20) and, according to some sources, has four children - a son and three daughters. Nothing is known about the name and biography of his wife, but there are rumors according to which, like his mother, his wife is also called Ogulgerek. 

According to some reports, one of the favorite grandchildren of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov - Kerimguly (born in 2002), who often appears with his grandfather in public, is the son of Serdar Berdimuhamedov. According to other sources, Kerimguly is the son of Guljahan, the sister of Serdar a, and the d more aught of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. It is known that, probably, two of the three daughters of Serdar Berdimuhamedov are named Ogulbabek or Ogulbyabek (born in 2004) and Aigul (born in 2008).

The personal life of the presidential family is not advertised and is hidden in every possible way. The Turkmen opposition media at one time managed to find out that three children (reportedly Kerimguly, Ogulbabek, and A, Miguel ) of Serdar Berdimuhamedov studied at the prestigious and expensive Ecolint International School during his work and study in Geneva  Switzerland 

In 2020, the cost of a year of study at this institution was almost 35 thousand Swisfrancs or, about 36 thousand US dollars. Additionally, about 7 thousand dollars is the registration fee and various fees and expenses. Due to the openness of the data of this school, it became known that Kerimguly should graduate from this school in 2021, Ogulbabek in 2023, and Aigul in 2027. But the Turkmen opposition media learned that all of them never graduated from this school, returned with their father to Turkmenistan in 2013, and the school did not answer the questions of these media about whether they are active students or not  

Personality and criticism 

Some note that Serdar Berdimuhamedov is not distinguished by charisma. Observers point to his unnatural and strange quiet voice and unpleasant for hearing and perception, barely audible and monotonous manner of speech. It is also noted that "in many photos and videos, he certainly looks like he feels uncomfortable," or has an unnatural facial expression. 

One of the students who studied with him at the Russian diplomatic academy noted his imperturbable character, while answering the questions of some students and teachers about political prisoners and the situation in Turkmenistan, he preferred not to answer at all. Since 2021, the personality of Serdar Berdimuhamedov began to attract the special attention of the state media in Turkmenistan, especially state television. 

They began to show reports more often, where Serdar Berdimuhamedov was a key participant. PriseveralBeforeis, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov himself had been the key participant in Turkmen news reports, and Turkmen TV broadcasters did not focus on any other official, indicating only occasionally the names of officials in their reports. According to the media, people who know him say that he is more interested in business and not very interested in politicendeavor.

When he headed the Akhal velayat, he introAnau andber of new rules for access to the building of the regional administration in the city of AnauAnau endeavor within it. At the door of his office th, ere was a permanent guard, which was not there under the previous khakis khaki. 

In addition, only a few officials were allowed to enter his office, and when Serdar Berdimuhamedov entered the khyakimlik building or left, none of the employees had the right to leave their workplace. At other times, employees were prohibited from leaving the building and the workplace in general (desk and office) unless necessary, as well as being absent from work without a good reason. 

They were also instructed to be very quiet both in the corridors and in their offices. Carrying mobile phones and other gadgets inside the building was prohibited for everyone. People who have encountered him note that one of his favorite expressions is "I'll break my neck!"

He also uses this expression when communicating with subordinates. One of the residents of Annau said that he tried to get an appointment with him, but he was given to understand that neither the khaki (that is, Serdar Berdimuhamedov) nor his deputies were receiving anyone on personal matters   



  • Order of "Garaşsyz Türkmenistana Bolan beýik söýgüsi üçin" ("For great love of independent Turkmenistan")
  • "Mälikguly Berdimuhamedow" medal
  • Jubilee medal "Türkmenistanyň Garaşsyzlygynyň 25 ýyllygyna" ("25 years of Turkmenistan's Independence")
  • Jubilee medal "Türkmenistanyň Bitaraplygynyň 25 ýyllygyna" ("25 years of Turkmenistan's neutrality")

Honorary Titles

  • "Türkmenistanyň Watan goragçysy" (2021) ("Defender of Homeland Turkmenistan")
  • "Türkmenistanyň at gNazaninitşynasy" (2021) ("Meritorious Dog Breeder of Turkmenistan") 


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